Europe At War 1914 Mac OS

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Jan 28, 2020 By 1914, Europe's six major powers were split into two alliances that would form the warring sides in World War I. Britain, France, and Russia formed the Triple Entente, while Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy joined in the Triple Alliance. On 28 June 1914, Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was assassinated in Sarajevo by a Bosnian-Serb. His death sent a shockwave through Europe’s intricate alliance system and saw the major powers prepare for war. Throughout July 1914.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on the Kingdom of Serbia, in response to Serbia’s rejection of Austria-Hungary’s July Ultimatum. In the following days, Russia, Germany, France, and Britain all entered the conflict, resulting in the First World War. In wikipedia 28 Jul 1914 Russian mobilization ▲.

Europe at War in 1914 Introduction The events that triggered the First World War began with an unlucky mistake. The First World War, which lasted from 1914 to 1918 known at the time as 'The Great War'. It involved more countries than any previous war. It introduced new technology into warfare, and caused destruction on an unequalled scale. It was 'total war', involving the mobilization, not just of vast armies, but of whole nations. The human cost of the war- in terms of damaged minds and bodies, and ruined lives- was beyond calculation. In some ways, mankind has never recovered from the horrors of the First World War. Countries which got involved were Britain, Germans, Russia, France,…show more content…
In 1900 Wilhelm decided to put this dream into practice. He ordered the construction of several large and powerful boats. The British saw this as a threat and responded by building a 'Dreadnought'. This was a fast and very dangerous boat. In turn the Germans started building this type of boat. This boats and battleship cost both the Germans and the Britain a lot. A race started to have the largest navy. This race led to tension between Germany and the British. The following table below shows the number of arm force possessed by each country. Military might in1914 Nation Number of aircraft Number of airships (Zeppelins) Austria-Hungary 35 1 Britain 110 6 France 160 4 Germany 246 11 Russia 300 11 Nation Size of army in 1914 Total number of soldiers who fought during the war. Austria-Hungary 3,000,000 7,800,000 Britain 975,000 8,905,000 France 4,017,000 8,410,000 Germany 4,500,000 11,000,000 Italy 1,251,000 5,615,000 Russia 5,971,000 12,000,000 Serbia 200,000 707,000 Empire Empire was created by a country colonizing a foreign territory. Many European powers wanted to have Empires. Between 1870 and 1914 much of the empires were colonised by Britain. There came a

The outbreak of war in August 1914 was greeted with enthusiasm in Britain. But to meet its commitment to its allies, the nation would have to expand its small professional army and make it ready for war as quickly as possible.

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World War I - World War I - Forces and resources of the combatant nations in 1914: When war broke out, the Allied powers possessed greater overall demographic, industrial, and military resources than the Central Powers and enjoyed easier access to the oceans for trade with neutral countries, particularly with the United States. Table 1 shows the population, steel production, and armed. Download and Install European War 6: 1914 on Your Favorite PC (Windows) or Mac for Free World War I Themed Game EasyTech, the game publisher, has released yet another exciting game under the title European War 6: 1914.

On 28 June 1914, Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was assassinated in Sarajevo by a Bosnian-Serb. His death sent a shockwave through Europe’s intricate alliance system and saw the major powers prepare for war.

Throughout July 1914, the British Army prepared for mobilisation as the crisis deepened. Army leave was cancelled, Reservists were called up and units placed on alert.

War declared

Germany’s war plan was based on a quick strike against France while Russia, France’s ally, was slowly mobilising. On 1 August 1914, the Germans declared war on Russia. Three days later they invaded Belgium in order to attack France.

This violation of Belgian neutrality led to a British declaration of war on Germany on 4 August and mobilisation of the armed forces. Eight days later, war was declared against Austria-Hungary and three months later against the Ottoman Turks.

A popular cause

Although many people were shocked and fearful, the outbreak of war was largely greeted with popular acclaim in Britain. The public rallied around what they perceived to be a just cause.

Around 30,000 men were enlisting every day by the end of August. Neither the Second World War (1939-45) nor more recent conflicts have generated anything like this degree of enthusiasm.

‘In the evening we went to a theatre on the Strand. The noise of newsboys and shouts of the crowd made it impossible to fix one’s attention on the play. At 11pm terrific bursts of cheering could be heard outside, echoing and resounding from Trafalgar Square to Westminster and Buckingham Palace. We left the theatre and walked to the Palace… There was a crowd of thousands collected in the hopes of hearing the King speak from the balcony; the cheering was such as I have never heard before nor expect to hear again. It was known that war had been declared against Germany… the crowds did not disperse till early morning. One of the most memorable nights in history’. Diary of Lieutenant Charles Mosse, 4 August 1914

Volunteers outside a London recruiting office, August 1914

The Army on the eve of war

Britain went to war in 1914 with a small, professional army that was primarily designed to police its overseas empire. The entire force consisted of just over 250,000 Regulars. Together with 250,000 Territorials and 200,000 Reservists, this made a total of about 700,000 trained soldiers. This was tiny when compared to the mass conscript armies of Germany, France and Russia.

Although small, the Regular Army of 1914 had learned from the harsh lessons of the Boer War (1899-1902). Reforms in training had been introduced which meant that, man-for-man, the soldiers of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) were among the best in Europe.

Soldiers marching through Birmingham train station, 1914

Members of the Inns of Court OTC at Berkhamstead, 1914

‘It looks as if the greatest battle in the history of the world will soon be in progress… We haven’t the slightest idea what the future holds for us yet but we are likely to be in uniform for at least a few months.’ Letter from RSM Arthur Harrington to his wife, 13 August 1914

Territorials and Reserve

Each Regular Army regiment and corps had locally recruited Territorial Force (TF) units attached to it. Men trained during the evening, at weekends and at summer camp. In the event of war they could be called upon for full-time service. Territorials were not obliged to serve overseas, but when asked in August 1914, the vast majority agreed to do so.

There was also the Special Reserve (SR), whose men enlisted for six years and could be called up in the event of general mobilisation. Their period as a Special Reservist started with six months full-time training, followed by four weeks training per year. There were over 100 Reserve battalions in August 1914. They went on to provide reinforcement drafts for the active service battalions on the Continent.

Europe At War 1914 Mac Os Catalina

New Armies

While many expected the war to be ‘over by Christmas’, the Secretary of State for War, Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, realised the conflict would be long and on an unprecedented scale. Britain would have to create a mass army for the first time.

He therefore appealed for volunteers for his ‘New Armies’ in August 1914. Recruitment officers were sent to towns, cities, factories and clubs. Propaganda posters were placed all over the country to persuade men to sign up.

Field Marshal Lord Kitchener inspecting New Army units at Halton, 1914

These volunteers enlisted ‘for the duration of the war’. They had a choice over which unit they joined, but had to meet the same age and physical criteria as the Regulars. Men who had previously served in the Army were accepted up to the age of 45. Despite the regulations, many underage and overage men enlisted.


Men often joined ‘Pals’ battalions, organised on a local basis. The advantage of this was that the new battalions came with existing ties, which the Army could develop. The disadvantage was that if a unit suffered heavy casualties, it could have a devastating effect upon a community.

The thousands of eager volunteers who flocked to the Colours on the outbreak of war were completely untrained. They spent their first months in the Army learning the basics of soldiering. Drill, skill-at-arms and manoeuvres were learnt at huge camps situated all over the country.

The ‘New Armies’ would face their baptism of fire in the battles of 1915-16. Until then, the Regulars - supported by the TF and SR - would take the leading role.


1914: Mons to Christmas

In August 1914, the British Expeditionary Force was sent to France. Although small when compared with the German and French armies, it was to play a role out of all proportion to its numbers. But the cost was huge, and by December 1914 it had been almost wiped out.


Warfare 1914

Battle of Loos

The Battle of Loos took place on the Western Front in September-October 1915. At the time, it was the largest British offensive of the First World War.


1918: Year of victory

The German Spring Offensive saw mobile warfare return to the Western Front. Despite early gains, the Germans exhausted themselves, setting the stage for a successful Allied counter-offensive.


Douglas Haig: The chief

Europe At War 1914 Mac Os Download

Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig commanded the British Army when it achieved arguably its greatest victories, those over the Germans on the Western Front. But for many his leadership was marked by unacceptable losses.


Herbert Kitchener: The taskmaster

Field Marshal Herbert Kitchener was famous for colonial victories in the Sudan and South Africa. Later, he helped build Britain’s first mass army during the First World War.


Battle of Passchendaele

In July 1917, the British and French launched a massive offensive near the Belgian city of Ypres. The bitter struggle that followed came to symbolize the horrors of trench warfare.