I Have The Money Mac OS

Apple products are generally considered one of the most well-designed products, and as such, their electronic gadgets come with a premium price tag. Are consumer electronic critics correct, though? Are MacBooks worth the money? Let’s discuss that.

It’s no secret that the tech community loves Apple’s products. They are typically heralded as one of the best original equipment manufacturers out there. That doesn’t mean that Apple products come without criticism, though. If you ask any PC fan, they will typically say that Apple products are overpriced.


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MacOS 11 Big Sur. MacOS v11 (codename Big Sur) is the latest version of the operating system for. If you have another Mac available, you can use Target Disk Mode (T at boot) and connect FireWire, Thunderbolt or USB-C cable between the Macs. On the other Mac you will see a yellow icon representing an external disk (but is actually the internal disk of your Mac in Target Disk Mode) which you can access with full read/write capabilities. Officially, the operating system that was available on that Mac at the time that you bought it is the oldest version of macOS that can run on that Mac. It's likely that an older OS won't include.

I’d like to take a moment to define that term here – over-priced. Over-priced is a very subjective term. If something is over-priced, that either means that you can’t afford it, or it doesn’t hold enough perceived value for its cost. We need to try and make this article more objective, so we are going to eliminate that first argument. If you can’t afford something, it’s always going to be over-priced. So, instead, let’s focus on that second part. Do MacBook’s have enough perceived value to justify their cost?

Operating System

Let’s talk about the OS, or operating system, first. It’s true that Mac OS typically has fewer bugs than Windows OS. It’s also true that Mac OS can operate on slower hardware than Windows OS can. That makes sense, though. Apple controls the entire hardware pipeline for Macintosh computers whereas Windows doesn’t. That is the key difference.


Apple has a very strict set of hardware that functions with Mac OS. This is smart. Apple is controlling the variables that can make a computer not work. Microsoft, on the other hand, cannot control these variables. Instead, Windows is programmed to be as broadly compatible as possible.

Windows 10

Microsoft has started to do a better job of controlling the hardware landscape as of late. Windows 10 no longer supports processors over a certain age. Likewise, Windows users must upgrade within a two-year timespan now, or they will no longer receive OS updates. Microsoft is starting to push device manufacturers to a more limited hardware profile. This is something Apple has been doing for years.

Mac OS

Because Apple controls its hardware landscape tightly, it can highly optimize Mac OS to it. This is the reason why something like the MacBook Air was able to achieve such great battery life. It’s the same reason that the new MacBook (not the Pro model) can run so well on such low powered hardware.


Download New Mac Os

Let’s look at the design quality next. Apple has long held design quality above anything else when making the Mac computer. There is a reason why every critic compared other laptops trackpads and screens to the ones that came equipped in the MacBook devices. Most Microsoft Windows PCs that are in the same price class as the MacBook have caught up, though. Apple computers might boast a Retina display and a large, comfortable glass trackpad, but many PCs also include high-resolution displays with a wide color gamut and a large, responsive trackpad now.


With all that said, we need to talk about the keyboard. Apple introduced a new keyboard a few years back with a butterfly clip design. This new design allowed Apple to create a thinner keyboard with a shorter keystroke. That new keyboard was met with a lot of criticism. Once again, critics compared every other PC keyboard to the new Apple keyboard, but this time the verbiage was, “…at least it’s not as bad as the keyboard on the new MacBooks.” It was recently announced that the new MacBook Pros would be moving away from this design due to the constant issues and complaints Apple received from customers.


All of this is good, but are Apple laptops worth the price?I’m not sure that they are. If you compare a base model MacBook Pro with a basemodel HP Omen laptop, that HP Omen laptop is almost a full $1000 less withbeefier hardware. That means the HP Omen will be able to do more work quicker.

When comparing hardware in the $1000 price point, we see the same trend. Ultrabooks produced by various OEMs include faster processors, more ram, and equivalent displays to the MacBook and MacBook Air. These newer Ultrabooks also pack more features into the devices like Windows Hello compatible cameras, more USB ports, Thunderbolt ports, etc…


One might argue that the applications on the Mac OS platform are superior to the app suites provided on Windows. This seems to be an argument held over from the days when Apple was using RISC based processors. Back in those days, it was indeed the case that the Apple computer was more capable than a Windows PC. That train has long since left the station, though, and professional-grade applications have long since released products on both Mac and Windows.

Given that Apple has de-emphasized Final Cut Pro with itslast iteration of the Mac Pro desktop PC (not the latest 2019 version known asthe “Cheesegrater”, but the “trash can” design prior) and forced many mediaproducers to move to the Windows platform, Apple seems to have lost most of itscache’ with artists. Many studios have moved to other products andWindows-based workstation PCs.

It doesn’t help Apple that its free, cheap application suite, like Garageband, do not work very well. Talking with support agents from various companies, these agents are often forced explaining to customers that they should move away from applications like Garageband or iMovie due to their poor quality and non-standard media encoders. Many of these support agents have helped their customers move to free, cross-platform applications like Audacity, Gimp, Krita, etc.. due to increased reliability.

Limited Cooling

We should note one last criticism with MacBook computers. As much as Apple creates a beautiful, well-designed device, they very much follow a form over function mantra. The hardware cooling systems in Apple laptops are subpar. Professional benchmarkers have proven this time and time again. Modern Intel processors depend on being able to hit and maintain boost clock speeds for an extended period for heavy workloads. Unfortunately, it has been found that Apple’s cooling systems cannot handle boost clock speeds for more than a very short time (i.e. 10-40 seconds). After an Intel processor reaches critical temperatures, it will start reducing performance to lower heat output and prevent damage to itself. Rendering times tend to be longer on Apple laptops because of this.

Wrapping Up

Let’s not make this article all doom and gloom for MacBooks,though. There is one key feature that Apple computers have that no other PCdoes – Mac OS. Though this may be completely subjective, Mac OS is simply a joyto use. The OS is well thought out. It looks nice. Workflows are great. Applesimply nailed the user experience in Mac OS X.

Objectively, the hardware included in the MacBook is not better than a similarly priced PC. Apple has several flaws that are hard to overlook at that price point. Whether a MacBook is worth the price becomes completely subjective when you consider the user experience, though. In many cases, the user experience should be as paramount in the buying decision as the objective build quality of the device. After all, a laptop can have the best build quality in the industry, but if it sucks to use you aren’t going to use it.

I Have The Money Mac Os Catalina

Note: This article is written to educate our reader and in no way encourage any privacy or legality issue that these installations might bring forward. Please contact us for any feedback or claims.

I have guides on how to install mac os Mojave and Catalina on Windows 10 PC using VMware workstation player on this blog and my YouTube channel. These kinds of installations can save you some money and time if you just need to get access to the Mac Os to do a certain task and not replace your workstations.

Mac OS on VMware can never replace a native Windows or Mac OS installation, I mean you can increase the number of cores you allocate to the VM. But what about the limitation where the display memory gets cloaked in at 128 MB.

Unless you run a Linux system and are a bit of an expert user that does not mind getting their hand dirty to get this working. You can only use these VM mac OS to do minor software testing or get a feel of the usability of the OS before you go ahead and purchase an Apple laptop.

But that’s a whole another discussion.

In this tutorial, I’ll try to look into solving an issue that has been reported by lots of readers on the Windowslovers blog and my YouTube channel.

That is – Mac OS not listed under Operating Systems in VMware workstation/player.

1Mac OS not listed in Vmware while selecting Operating System
1.2Hardware Virtualization –

Mac OS not listed in Vmware while selecting Operating System

I Have The Money Mac Os Download

Before we start dissecting the issue, I would like to make sure that you have correctly followed the process of unlocking the VMware workstation player or the VMware Player.

Unlocking VMware properly –

I cannot stress enough on this. Please make sure you have the Unlocker that is correct for the version of the VMware software that you are using to install Mac OS in. I know all the unlockers look the same and have the same installation process, but every version of the VM products have an unlocker for that specific version of VMware.

In my recent tutorial on how to install mac os Catalina on Windows 10 using VMware workstation player, I’ve used VMware Workstation Player 15.5.6. The unlocker I have linked on my Mediafire account is specifically for this version of the VMware workstation player. If you downloaded and used these exact files, you are a step closer to solving the mac os not listed on VMware issue.

Hardware Virtualization –

As you know that we are installing the Mac OS on top of our windows 10 using the VMware software. This process is called virtualization. It eliminates the need to have real hardware that is required by applications, but instead applications like VMware create virtual hardware/environment for the applications to run.

Most of the hardware support virtualizations by default these days. You can double-check if your hardware supports virtualization in a couple of different ways.

Check if my CPU supports virtualization

Using CMD :

  • Hit the “Windows” + “R” key and type CMD + Enter
  • Enter systeminfo and Enter
  • Scroll to the bottom and look for “Hyper-V Requirements”
  • Check if there is any similar information and “Virtualization Enabled In Firmware: Yes/ No”

If you have this setting that means your CPU supports hardware virtualization

I Have The Money Mac Os X

Using Intel or AMD Utility tool

Download the tools below to check it in GUI if your CPY supports virtualization.



Well, if you do not know that processor your computer/laptop has – you can download and use a third-party software called securable. At a click of a button, it shows you if your system supports Virtualization or not.

  • Go to: https://www.grc.com/securable.htm
  • Click on the “Download now” button.
  • After the download is complete, click on the downloaded file, and it should automatically open the application. It should look like the preview in the image below.

Imac 2011 Mac Os

It tells if you if your CPU supports virtualization or not. But you have to be mindful that it just gives you whether your CPU has the virtualization feature or not. It doesn’t say if it has been enabled or disabled.

Finally, as long as you use the correct unlocker for the VMware product you are using, you should be good. You should also make sure that your system supports virtualization and is enabled – you will see the Mac OS listed in VMware once both of these things are in order.

I hope this guide helped you find answers to some of the issues you might be facing with the Mac OS on VMware installation.