Scripts Of The Ancients Mac OS

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The company purchased Zoho’s asset explorer, which can collect the client’s hardware and software information by installing agent client software on the client computer. The company has a number of IMAC computers running Mac OS X 10.6 system. As asseteexplorer only supports the agent of Windows version, it is necessary for computers of other systems to collect client information and upload it to the server by executing bash script file on the client. This requires that the client’s Mac OS X system can automatically execute the script program when it is started, and based on the system service level, the user does not need to log in, and the script can also run in the background. It is better that the script program can run automatically at a fixed time in the background.

Here are a bunch of Mac terminal commands sorted into general categories. I have intentionally omitted long bash scripts and AppleScripts and focussed instead on small useful commands that can be plugged into bigger scripts or used on their own enjoy! Terminal & Shell Basics cmd+n – Open a new Shell in a new window. I hope you all like this guide Automatically Customize Mac OS X with a Bash Script: 27 Defaults Write Commands, custom.aliases,.bashprofile, etc. If you are advanced user and by setting up a new Mac, you’ll probably customize your operating system with plenty of default write commands and.alias control.

  1. Mar 27, 2020 One of the advantages with scripts is the fact that you can easily automate many tasks. Here is an article that walks you through that process. If you come across a situation where you want to perform a set of tasks on multiple computers then scripts come in very handy.
  2. I've installed nmap in my Mac OS X tried. I'm not on Linux, I couldn't find the script directory. I ran sudo nmap -sV -script vulners Password: I kept getting Starting Nmap 6.

We can use a built-in mechanism called launch daemon / agent in Mac OS X to automatically execute scripts when the system starts. Starting from 10.4, Mac OS X uses the launchd process to manage the services and processes of the entire operating system. The traditional UNIX will use / etc / RC. * or other mechanisms to manage the startup services to be started at startup, while the current Mac OS X uses launch to manage, and its startup service is called launch daemon / agents. With launch daemon / agent, we can make scripts run in the background when the system starts.

• differences between launch daemon and launch agent

Launch daemon and launch agent are the names of the same thing in different application scopes. Launch daemon is a system level service, called daemon, and launch agent is a user level service, called agent. The former will load when the power is turned on, and the latter will only load after the user logs in. So we run the script as a launch daemon.

• export script files from assetexolorer

Select scan → audit isolated workstation → scan workstation through script → export script file AE scan from Mac, modify hostname in script file to “server IP address or domain name address”, and check whether portno is correct.

• create plist profile

The launchd process needs to read an XML format plist configuration file, create it and place it in the / system / library / launchdaemons / or / library / launchdaemons / directory. This file can be created in advance under windows. You need to use a text editor (such as UltraEdit) that supports UNIX format to create this file.
The plist file format and the meaning of each field are as follows:
Example of AE scan mac.plist file:

  1. <?xmlversion=“1.0”encoding=“UTF-8”?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN”
  3. “”>
  4. <plistversion=“1.0”>
  5. <dict>
  6. <key>Label</key>
  7. <string>com.manageengine.ae_scan_mac</string>
  8. <key>Program</key>
  9. <string></string>
  10. <key>RunAtLoad</key>
  11. <true/>
  12. <key>WorkingDirectory</key>
  13. <string>/Library/LaunchDaemons/</string>
  14. <key>KeepAlive</key>
  15. <false/>
  16. <key>StartCalendarInterval</key>
  17. <dict>
  18. <key>Hour</key>
  19. <integer>11</integer>
  20. <key>Minute</key>
  21. <integer>0</integer>
  22. </dict>
  23. </dict>
  24. </plist>

Key words:

1) label (required)
The name of the service.
2) program (program argument is required. In the absence of program argument, program keyword must be included)
Specifies the path and name of the executable.
3) runatload (optional)
Identifies that launchd starts the executable specified by the path immediately after loading the service. The default is false. Set to true to start the script file.
4) working directory (optional)
Specifies the path to the current working directory before running the executable.
5) keepalive (optional)
This keyword can be used to control whether or not to keep the executable running. The default value is false, which means that the executable will not be started until the specific conditions are met. When the setting value is true, it indicates that the executable is opened unconditionally and kept in the whole system operation cycle.
6) startcalendarinterval (optional)
This keyword can be used to set the time to execute the executable program. You can use subkeywords such as month, day, hour, minute, etc. it can specify how many months, days, hours, minutes, days and other times the script will execute. If a keyword is missing, it means any time point. It is similar to the setting method of UNIX crontab scheduled task. For example, in this example, it is set to 11 every day Execute the script file at o’clock.
All key keywords can be queried by using the command man launchd.plist on Mac OS X terminal.

• deploy configuration and script files on the client

1) first, set a password for the current user of Mac OS X system, which is set in system preferences → account.
Then, you can copy the script files AE scan and plist files aescan mac.plist to a temporary directory of the local hard disk by sharing, and then open the utility → terminal, and use the following command:
sudo mv ae_scan_mac.* /Library/LaunchDaemons
Move the two files to the / library / launchdaemons / directory.

2) modify file permission:
sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/ae_scan_mac.*
sudo chmod a+x /Library/LaunchDaemons/
sudo chmod 644 /Library/LaunchDaemons/ae_scan_mac.plist

3) editing and checking of plist files
You can modify the file using the command sudo VIM AE ABCD mac.plist.
Check the syntax of the plist file:
plutil ae_scan_mac.plist
If ok is returned, the file syntax is correct.

4) start the service and load the plsit file:
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/ae_scan_mac.plist
Or restart the Mac.
Note that the configuration of plist will not take effect until you reload the plist file or restart the computer with the following command after modifying the plist file.
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/ae_scan_mac.plist
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/ae_scan_mac.plist

Scripts of the ancients mac os 11

Next, check the running status of the service:
sudo launchctl list

5) finally, after the script runs, you can see the information of this client on the asset Explorer server, and then the client will automatically upload the machine information to the server according to the time set in plist file or after restarting the machine.

There are several points to pay attention to in the deployment of the two files:

Scripts Of The Ancients Mac Os 7

1) the permission of the file must be correct, the owner of the two files must be root, and the script file must have execution permission.
2) the syntax of plist file must be correct. Pay attention to the program working directory and running parameters in the configuration. Executable: sudo launchctl start / library / launchdaemons / AE ﹣ scan ﹣ mac.plist
Force the service to run, or run the script program directly to test whether the script file runs normally.
3) each time the plist file is modified, you must perform launchctl unload / load to unload and reload the plist file, so that the new configuration file will take effect immediately.
After the scripts and configuration files are deployed in multiple clients at one time, asseteexplorer can automatically collect the hardware and software information of all Macs. Even if the machine configuration changes, there is no need to add them manually, which facilitates the company’s asset management. The function of launchd process is quite powerful. Apple recommends and has used this process instead of traditional cron. If you are interested, you can study it again.

All Versions Of Mac Os

The original is written by the blogger and published in 2014.02.3.4 issue of network operation and management.